Behaviour Support in Halton

This information is to support families and schools across Halton in understanding functions of behaviour; supporting pupils, schools and parents with meeting the needs of pupils who communicate their emotions in behavioural ways and to support school staff and families to meet Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and to provide consistency of practice within schools across the Borough whilst increasing knowledge and understanding regarding the impacts of developmental trauma and adverse childhood experiences.

Who to contact: Educational Psychology Service (EPS)

If you would like further support with regard to behaviour in Halton please initially raise this with your Link Educational Psychologist.

They will hold a planning meeting with you at the beginning of term and can support you with training and support regarding SEMH, trauma, adverse childhood experiences, mental health and the resulting behaviours that can impact on children and young people accessing education.

Alternatively you can email the service at

EPS Training Offer for School Staff

EPS can provide training to any school should they wish to contact the team to make arrangements for any of the following to be delivered:

Topic Time required
Positive peace in schools (a restorative approach to conflict resolution) 1 hour for awareness raising Twilight
3  hours for in-depth
Full day inset for deep delve and culture shift
Attachment in schools 1 hour awareness raising twilight
3 hours in depth
Full day inset for deep delve and enhanced understanding
Nurture 1 hour awareness raising
3 hours in depth
ACES and trauma 1 hour awareness raising twilight
3 hours in depth
Full day inset for deep delve and enhanced understanding and becoming trauma informed – leading to trauma informed practice in school
Know me to teach me 1 hour for awareness raising Twilight
3  hours for in-depth
Full day inset for deep delve and culture shift
PACE 1 hour for awareness raising Twilight
3  hours for in-depth
Full day inset for deep delve and culture shift
Emotion Coaching 1 hour for awareness raising Twilight
3  hours for in-depth
Full day inset for deep delve and culture shift
Flipping my lid and managing children’s distress with emotion coaching 1 hour for awareness raising Twilight
3  hours for in-depth
Full day inset for deep delve and culture shift
ELSA 6 days of training over 6 weeks
Half termly supervision
Solution circles and staff supervision models 3 hour session
Neurodiversity training 1 hour twilight sessions on following:
The Dys’
ASD with PDA (why don’t I say yes?)
The impact of tech on developing brains 1 hour – 3 hour session on latest research on I-tech and impact on brain development and learning (for teachers and parents)
No worries training Access for staff in school regarding CBT based intervention to deliver support for worriers
Bespoke training

EPS team can and do regularly create bespoke training meeting schools developing needs as they arise.  Some examples:

  • Conflict management
  • Team development
  • Leadership
  • Creating cultures
  • Models of learning
  • Adolescence
  • Staff emotional wellbeing
  • Sandwell approach
  • Managing challenging behaviours
The wellbeing experience 6-8 sessions of 3 hours working with school staff, children and young people or their parents over 8 weeks learning about positive psychology and the wellbeing


Documents and Support


Checklist for Pastoral Leadership

Behaviour Support Resources

Absence from school

At Risk of Suspension or Exclusion

Team Around the School

Halton has adopted a 8-week rolling programme of visits to secondary settings where we will create a team around the school approach to the issue.  Within this team we hope to have Educational psychology, Mental health in school team, Education welfare, safeguarding, virtual school, school improvement, specialist teachers and the early help team. 

The aims are to visit each school one Friday out of eight on a rolling programme to work with you to understand your schools’ experiences.  We will discuss suspensions and the reasons for them as well as considering wider systemic issues as they present with a view to working together to problem solve at the individual, class and whole school levels and to create change that is supportive, and evidence based.  What is needed will vary from setting to setting as everyone has individual needs and we hope this bespoke approach to support will feel helpful.

Schools will need to provide the following:

  • A link person or team who can action interventions and work with the wider school on the outcomes agreed at the meetings
  • A knowledge of the suspensions that have occurred and the reasons why so that we can unpick, problem solve and support
  • A room and refreshments for the meeting to take place.

The LA will provide:

  • The team around the school expertise
  • A chair to facilitate the meeting
  • Admin to record the outcomes and next steps
  • Further in school support through link officer work where needed
  • A joined-up approach in tackling common themes as they arise in the meetings across settings.
  • CPD opportunities for staff who meet with the team

Schools involved include:

  • St Peter and St Paul
  • Sandymoor
  • The Heath
  • OCA
  • The Grange
  • OBA
  • Half Term
  • St Chads
  • Wade Deacon
  • Chesnut Lodge
  • Ashley
  • Cavendish
  • Riverside

School Behaviour Toolkit and Checklist (THE CARE SCHEDULE)

School Behaviour Toolkit and Checklist (Discretionary Top-up Funding DTUF)


Helps to support children with SEND can include blocks of specialist teaching, Outreach, advice and recommendations from specialist teachers and short-term Discretionary Top-up Funding (DTUF) for those with increased need.  DTUF funding is accessed through a panel based process chaired by school staff alongside officers of the LA.

Requests for DTUF should be made using the appropriate School Behaviour Toolkit and Checklist (SBTandC) documents below:

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