
Health Services

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network

Commissioned by Halton NHS Cheshire and Merseyside to support the neurodevelopmental pathway.

Provides parents and carers with learning workshops, learning programmes, information, advice and guidance and open access community network groups. Equipping parents and carers with the skills, knowledge and confidence to better identify and manage the characteristics associated with neurodevelopmental conditions including Autism, ADHD, sensory processing difficulties, specific learning difficulties and associated mental health needs. Our learning opportunities are delivered by our team of professionals from health, social care and education, all who have a genuine insight of these conditions because of their own lived experience. We are open access, pre, during and post diagnosis, no referral necessary, just make contact and we will support you to find the answers.

Email:  or Tel: 0151 486 1788


Alder Hey Children's Hospital
  • Audiology for children and young people aged 0-18
Baby Bonding

Baby and Infant Bonding Service (BIBS)

  • The Halton and Warrington Baby and Infant Bonding Support team provides essential support to parents who are having difficulty bonding or developing their relationship with their baby.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Crisis Response Team

The Mersey Care 24 hour Crisis Response Team is for young people up to the age of 18 experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties which are causing difficulties in their school, family or social life. The service is for children and young people who are registered with a GP in Halton, up to their 18th birthday presenting in crisis needing an emergency response.

Mental Health Crisis Line Halton Freephone Telephone Support
For all ages – children, young people and adults: 

If you live in Halton and need urgent mental health support, please call the 24/7 freephone crisis line on 0800 051 1508

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies is a free NHS therapy service for people over 18 in Halton with common mental health problems like anxiety or depression, to help you change the way you feel by changing the way you think.

Mum's Mental Health

Mum’s Mental Health, one in five women experiences mental health problems during pregnancy or in the first year after birth. The Perinatal team provide important mental health assessment and support for local women and birthing people experiencing mental health issues during this time.

Baby Loss

Maternal Mental Health Service offer a free NHS support service working with women, birthing people, and families to offer psychological and emotional support for baby loss. Therapists, psychologists, assistant psychologists, specialist midwives and peer support workers identify distress that has come from your maternity, neonatal or reproductive journey. Supporting trauma, loss and fear around pregnancy and the maternity setting.

Woodview Children's Specialist Services

Woodview provide a single point of referral for Community Paediatricians, Neurodevelopmental Nursing Team, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.


Children’s Neuro-developmental Nursing Team

Children’s Neuro-developmental Nursing Team work with children aged 0-19, with a diagnosis, such as Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Global Developmental Delay (GDD) Cerebral Palsy and children and young people, with learning disabilities and additional health needs

The team can also help to assess sleep difficulties


Children’s Occupational & Physiotherapy Services

Children’s Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Service

  • Physiotherapists support children and their families with their physical needs and development.
  • Occupational Therapists provide advice and support to families in relation to functional and daily living skills.


Community Paediatric Service

Community Paediatric Service provide support for children with behaviour and/or sleep issues relating to a diagnosed neuro-developmental condition

Children’s Community Nursing Team (CCNT)

To access the information about the CCNT team on the page that opens via the link below, please click on the box titled Children’s Community Nursing Team CCNT

Continence (Toileting) Services

Toileting, potty training and childhood incontinence 

Adults bladder or bowel issues

Continuing Care for Children and Young People
Children and young people’s continuing care is a term that describes a tailor made package of support needed over an extended period of time for children and young people with complex health needs which arise because of a disability, accident or illness. This is for children and young people, aged 0-18 years, that despite accessing all available support from health services as part of the Local Offer for Halton a tailor made package of support is still required to meet their health care needs.



Halton 0 – 5 Parents Service: 07507 327025

Halton 5 – 19 Parents Service: 07480 635988

Halton 11 – 19 Young People’s Service: 07507 330521

ChatHealth is an anonymous messaging service that provides a safe and easy way for service users to send a message to a healthcare professional and receive confidential help and advice. The aim of implementing ChatHealth into Bridgewater is to further improve service user access to health and well-being support.

Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 0-19 Service (Health Visiting and School Nursing) aim to provide the best start for our children, young people and families. Their role is key to improving the health and wellbeing outcomes of our children and young people and to reduce inequalities. All staff provide evidenced based advice and support to local parents, carers, children and young people from pregnancy up to the age of 19 or up to the age of 24 for children and young people with a disability or complex need. Care is provided at a range of universal contacts alongside additional more targeted contacts, which are undertaken according to need. Our 0-19 Services utilise a whole system approach by working together with other professionals and services to deliver high quality care

Dental Community Service
Halton's Speech and Language Service

Following consultation across the Partnership, Communicate SLT  became the new Speech and Language Service in Halton from November 2023

Other Specialist Speech and Language providers

Halton 0-19 Healthy Child Service

The Halton 0–19  Healthy Child Service provides the following services:

  • Health Visiting
  • School Health
  • Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)
  • Health Visiting
  • Immunisation Team
  • Breast and Infant feeding

Please note: If an Ages and Stages Questionnaire is required for a referral to Woodview, contact your Health Visitor about this.

Dynamic Keyworker Support Service

If a child or young person has a diagnosis of Autism and/or a Learning Disability and they are at risk of placement breakdown or requiring a Tier 4 admission, then they can be referred by a PROFESSIONAL ONLY into the Dynamic Keyworker Support Service.  The leaflet provides more information about the support and service provided by the Dynamic Key Support Worker leaflet

Eating Disorders
  • The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) service will provide direct mental health support to 45 primary and secondary schools in Halton. There are two MHSTs in Halton – one covering Widnes and one covering Runcorn.
    The service aims to promote the early detection and prevention of mental health problems across the whole school and strengthen links between schools and mental health services.


Equipment in the Home, for Education and in the Community
Foot Care-Podiatry

Foot Care for people with a clinical or medical need

Halton Family Hubs

We’re working with partners in Halton to develop Family Hubs across the borough by March 2025.
This work is being funded by the Department for Education from the government’s Family Hubs Transformation Fund.

Click here find out more

Family Hubs 0-5 years Guide one page

Halton Health Improvement Team

Information and resources for START WELL, LIVE WELL and AGE WELL can be found here Halton Health Improvement Team

On the Looking after yourself area you’ll find information to help with weight management (Fresh Start), NHS health checks, sexual health etc

HENRY Healthy Families programme
Halton Integrated Care Board (ICB)

The National Health Service (NHS) in England recently experienced significant changes to its structures following the implementation of the Health and Care Act (Gov.UK, 2022). In July 2022, forty-two Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) were established across the country to replace more than two hundred Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) (NHS Digital, 2021). Each ICS comprises of an NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) alongside provider collaboratives, third sector organisations, local authorities and a range of other partners. ICS partners are challenged to work in collaboration to reduce health inequalities in their local populations via the delivery of high-quality, integrated care.

Kooth emotional support and online counselling for young people

Free emotional support, online counselling and lots more – Kooth Information Pack

Orthoptists - Visual Processing Difficulties Clinic
Personal Budgets

Wheelchair Personal Budget

Education Personal Budget

Making it Personal Video Clip

Short Breaks Guide

Personal Health Budget video 


Respite Health Care

Sexual health services
  • Brook sexual health and wellbeing information for under 25s
Wheelchair Services

Health and Wellbeing

Drugs and alcohol substance misuse support/referral

All referrals and requests for information or support for a young person needing support for substance misuse please contact iCART available 9am to 5pm from Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm on Friday, call 0151 907 8305

If you have an urgent (safeguarding) concern outside these hours, please call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0345 0500148​

iCART will screen the request, then based on the circumstances/information will then refer on to the appropriate service

A family member can get in touch with Halton Borough Council Contact Centre Tel:  0303 333 4300 or email who will pass the referral on, please note that all referrals must have consent from the parent/carer with Parental Responsibility (PR)

Online video support sessions for families affected by substance use

Peter Cartwright, in collaboration with Adfam, has produced a series of online support video sessions for families affected by a loved one’s substance use Online video support sessions

Parenting Support
Dynamic Support Register (DSR) and Care Education and Treatment Review (CETR)


Sleep Support


Communication and Interaction


Healthwatch Halton

Child Bereavement UK

Flu video

Mental Health Information Point

Health Conditions – General Information


Local support groups available via Halton Carer’s Centre

Cerebral Palsy

Action Cerebral Palsy

Mental Health & Wellbeing

Halton’s Health Improvement Team have a useful Mental Health Information Point for you to access lots of different support

PANS (Paediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and PANDAS (Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections)

For more information on both of these conditions

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Bladder and Bowel conditions

Downs Syndrome

Autism Masking Storyboard

Beat Eating Disorders

Developmental Co-ordination Disorder



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