Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) Guide and Vision

Halton’s vision for improving outcomes for young people as they prepare for adult life

We want to have:

  • a knowledgeable and trained workforce to ensure that person centred practice is at the centre of everything we do ensuring that young people are listened to; their aspirations are sought and shape their outcomes and; that they take control and make their own decisions about their pathway to adulthood.
  • good quality aspirations, outcomes and destinations captured in Education Health and Care Plans early to help us plan and develop appropriate pathways to adult life and for everybody to clearly understand when outcomes have been achieved and therefore when an Education Health and Care Plan would cease.

To develop our Halton Vision we:

  • carried out a review of Education Health and Care (EHC) Plans
  • held workshops with young people, parents/carers and professionals to understand and learn from current practice and how this was reflected in the EHC Plans
  • held a multi-agency workshop to draw together the Vision or all young people in Halton

Good Quality Conversations Workshops

The four PfA Pathways

Education & Employment Navigation Guide

PFA Education and Employment

PFA Community Inclusion

PFA Independent Living

PFA Health

NDTI Post 19 Programme Good Ideas to Share

Halton’s involvement is on page 12 under the theme of Young People’s Voice

PfA Outcomes Toolkit

Produced by the Department for Education (DfE) to help consider the four PfA outcomes during the EHC Planning process across all age ranges 0-25 years

Case Studies

Highlight how young people are making the change into becoming an adult, case studies section available on the Halton Local Offer

NDTi Decision Making Profile

The decision-making profile creates a clear picture about how a person makes a decision and how they want to be supported in decision-making

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