Transport Information

School and College Travel Support

School Travel Support and Bus Service information

More information including Home to School Assisted Transport and policies can be found on the Council website School Travel Support

Halton Borough Council has two policies for supporting children and young people in the borough that outline transport assistance available for Home to School & College Travel and Transport for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and for Home to School Travel and Home to School Travel and Transport for Statutory School Age

Public Transport Information and School Bus Timetable

Public Transport Information

Information on bus timetables, bus passes and tickets and Independent Travel Training, details can be found on the Council website

School Bus Timetable

School bus timetable information is available or alternatively email the Neighbourhood Travel Team to request a timetable or for help to plan a journey.

Independent Travel Training

Independent Travel Training focuses on enabling individuals with disabilities to travel independently to and from school, college and other social activities. It is open to young people with any kind of additional need from 11 to 19 years of age.

The training works with young people, parents, carers, schools and other appropriate individuals to provides trainees with their own personal travel programme.

The trainee is accompanied by the Independent Travel Trainer on their journeys until they are able to travel independently. This enables them to travel independently at their own pace and, while challenging them to achieve, allows them to reach a level of attainment with which they are comfortable.

Independent Travel Training covers various topics depending on the needs of the student. Areas covered are:

  • Personal safety
  • Road safety
  • Recognising and avoiding dangerous situations
  • Following directions
  • Boarding the correct bus in the right direction
  • Buying tickets

A detailed Personalised Journey Plan (PJP) is then produced for each individual in a format that is appropriate for him or her.
For many students this is the beginning of a wider journey into increased independence, for example after-school activities and ultimately training and employment. The scheme has incredible benefits for all, in terms of confidence and freedom to mix with peers.

For more information please click on Request Independent Travel Training from Halton Borough Council


Blue Badge & Halton AccessAble Guides (previously DisabledGo)
  • Blue Badge  helps disabled people with severe mobility problems park close to their destination
  • AccessAble Halton  local guides about venues/public spaces accessibility  e.g. shops, restaurants, leisure centres, parks


Local Travel Information
Bus Information

Roadworks and Updates

Assisted Travel-School Transport – Appeals process explained

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