Leisure & Activities

Children and Young People and Short Breaks Flyers

Halton Short Breaks

Parent/Carer Flyers

HCPCF Whats On Guide February 2025

Local groups for children, young people, parents and carers

Sports, Groups and Places to Go

Disability Record Registration
All Local Authorities are required by the Children Act 1989 to hold a record of disabled children and young people. The record is a list of children and young people in Halton (0-25 years) who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and who receive, or may one day need to use the services from health, social services, education or the third sector (voluntary organisations).

Registering your child on the Halton Children’s Disability Record helps us identify and plan for the needs of children and young people with disabilities, their parents and carers. Registration is voluntary and is not linked to or a requirement of receiving social care services, which are assessed separately.

For more information please see the policy for details Record of Children with Disabilities Policy

How to register?

To register your child, please complete the Halton Children’s Disability Record  – Registration Form

Please email your Registration Form to admin-organisation&provision@halton.gov.uk


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