
In the Home (Children’s Social Care) and Resources in the Community


PLEASE NOTE: Equipment, communication, hearing and/or vision support to assist your child’s education is dealt with through a different policy/procedure (a web-link to this information will be added shortly)

Childrens Social Care Equipment is for disabled children to support daily living skills in the Home.  This will include things like:

  • Seating
  • Chairs
  • Mobility Equipment
  • Support for Bathing and Showering
  • Profiling Beds

PLEASE NOTE: All Play Equipment will not be funded.

Referral Pathway

Do you think your child needs special equipment for daily living or support for their communication needs?

You can complete a short and simple online self-assessment via the AskSARA website, which asks about your child’s needs.

You may also be asked to consider any difficulties you have in assisting your child, as this may be a contributory factor in suggesting equipment, for example, you may have a back problem which affects your mobility or ability to lift.

Following completion of the self-assessment, the AskSARA website will provide an impartial advice report about equipment, simple no-cost approaches and hints/tips that could support your child’s daily living needs.

The advice report can be viewed online and/or printed out for your information.

If equipment is suggested, the report will include the cost and links to possible manufacturers and providers.

If you think you need equipment, you will require an assessment by a Children’s Occupational Therapist (OT).

Ring Halton Borough Council’s Contact Centre on Tel: 0151 907 8306 to request a ‘Referral for equipment by a Children’s Occupational Therapist’.

Assessment Process

You will be contacted by the appropriate Therapy Service or Health Professional to complete an assessment or healthcare screening.  The service will recommend the appropriate equipment or support for your child will be made.

PLEASE NOTE: Equipment, costs and manufacturers that the AskSARA self-assessment suggests may differ to the outcome recommended through the specialist assessment.  If you wish to use the suggested equipment via AskSARA you can purchase the equipment yourself.

For Education

Education Pathway/Process

Queries regarding provision of educational equipment please contact the SEN Assessment and Provision Team

Deafness and hearing loss – your first point of contact will be a health professional e.g. GP, midwife, health visitor to access the NHS Children’s Audiology Service

Speech and Language information can be found on the Health section

Visual Impairment – your first point of contact will be either a health professional e.g. GP, midwife, health visitor or qualified optician to arrange eyesight screening.

Other educational equipment required to support and meet the needs of children and young people’s education – your first point of contact will be the guidance outlined on the Halton Local Offer – Halton Graduated Approach and Strategy Toolkit


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