Deafness and Hearing Loss:
Qualified Teacher for the Deaf (QTOD) Service 0-25
Team contact details
Please use the contact details below if you need any help or support with your child’s learning or if you have any other questions.
Lyndsey Hignett 0151 511 7449/07770 855951 Specialist Teacher of the Deaf |
Julie Metcalf 0151 511 7065/07500 818147 Specialist Teacher of the Deaf |
Lisa Turner 0151 511 6169/07771 345310 Specialist Teacher of the Deaf |
Click on the headings below to see how we support children and young people in Halton who are deaf or have hearing loss
Information about the Service
The aim of the service is to support children/young people (0-25 years) who are deaf or have a hearing loss, their families, educational settings and colleges. We work with other professionals and agencies to assess and meet the identified needs related to deafness.
We support families and the child/young person both in and away from school. The support from the Specialist Teacher for pupils may include:
- Advice and support on how to help the pupil get the best from their hearing aids
- Assessment and support on the development of speech, language and communication skills.
- Suggestions and strategies to support pupils in lessons
- Provision of specialist equipment, e.g. radio aids, and support on the effective use and maintenance of these
- Carry out environmental audits of the school or setting to ensure the best possible acoustic environment for the pupil
- INSET on the nature and implications of hearing loss and strategies for effective classroom intervention
- Home visits to families of pre-school children to support with all aspects of hearing and its implications.
- Advice and support to families with issues relating to their child’s hearing: support groups and links to other families, deaf or hearing loss young people.
- The offer to accompany parents/carers on visits to hospital clinics and to view nurseries and schools prior to selection and application.
- Liaison with other agencies, e.g. Audiology, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for deafness or hearing loss, Local Speech and Language Therapists, Portage, Occupational and Physiotherapists, Educational Psychologists and Social Care.
The Service works with children and young people 0-25 years (pre-school, EYFS, KS 1-4 and post 18) with a diagnosis of hearing loss, while still in education. We also support children and young people with additional and complex needs whose deafness may not be their primary need.
The Service operates an open referral policy. Referrals are accepted from parents/carers or any other person involved with the child/young person. The majority of referrals come through health or education professionals. The agreement of the parent/carer must be obtained. The child/young person must have a diagnosis of hearing loss.
Referrals with the appropriate medical information can be made using the Referral Form for SEND Service/Specialist Teachers (Named Child Referral Form), available on the Specialist Teaching and Advisory Service (STAs) page.
The QTOD Service is a free service which supports the child, families and schools at pre-school stage and throughout their education including post 16 provision. For young people in further education a charge will be made.
Children/young people and their parents/carers can give their views through home and school visits and at events such as the Parents’ Coffee Morning. Parents and Carers have contact details (office phone, mobile phone and email) for team members they have involvement with. Feedback to parents/carers after school or nursery visits is by phone or text and a written report is sent to parents/carers after school monitoring visits.
A Parents/Carers’ Information Day is held every year. Information leaflets for Parents/carers include:
- Books featuring deafness
- Daily care and maintenance of hearing aids and cochlear implants
- Communication choices
- Tips for good communication with your child
- Tips on how to get a child to wear their hearing aids
- Useful contacts
The team consists of three full time teachers with the Post Graduate Diploma in Deaf Education or an MSc in Deaf Education working with children/young people aged 0-25 years and two Specialist Teaching Assistants. All members of the team update their specialist knowledge regularly. All are DBS checked. Most referrals come from the Children’s Audiology Department once deafness or hearing loss has been diagnosed
Support and Information
- Children’s Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG) – Halton, St. Helens and Knowsley
- Introduction to deafness and hearing loss
- Signs of a possible hearing loss
- Top ten tips for good communication
- Daily hearing aid checks
- Tips on how to get your child to wear hearing aids
- Cochlear Implants
- Basic troubleshooting for cochlear implants
- Books featuring deafness
- Listening Activities
- Equipment
- Radio Aids
- Top Ten Tips for using Radio Aid for families that have an agreement for the Radio Aid to go home or for those who have their own personal system
Resources for schools
- Introduction to deafness and hearing loss
- Signs of a possible hearing loss
- Top ten tips for good communication
- Daily hearing aid checks
- Tips on how to get your child to wear hearing aids
- Cochlear Implants
- Basic troubleshooting for cochlear implants
- Books featuring deafness
- Listening Activities
- Equipment
- Radio Aids and Top Ten Tips for using Radio Aids
- Useful Contacts
Advice for Schools
Websites and Links
- National Deaf Children’s Society
- Deafness Resource Centre (DRC)
- I CAN Project (DRC) for children, young people and families and activity information
- Deafness Support Network (DSN)
- The Buzz website for deaf young people