

Early Years and Childcare

Primary Schools and Section 41 List

Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Post-16 Options and Specialist Provision

Useful Information & Documents

Halton Graduated Approach and Strategy Toolkit

Education Support Services

Specialist Teaching and Advisory Service (S.T.A.S)

School Attendance

School attendance & absence

Halton Virtual School


Educational Psychology Service

Positive Behaviour Support Service (PBSS)

Early Years Team - support for Providers

School Nursing

Woodview Specialist Children's Services - REFERRAL FORM , APPENDICES AND SNAP FORM

SEND Assessment and Provision Team

Behaviour Support in Halton


Youth Justice Service

SEND Areas of Need and Resources

Communication and Interaction

Deafness and hearing loss (Sensory and Physical)

Cognition and Learning Difficulties

Vision Impairment (Sensory and Physical)

Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

Physical and Medical

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